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New in shop


June 29, 2009

The not so innocent Moonstone

Gemstones beware! The ocean blues of Apatite and Peruvian Opals usually dominate summer time jewelry designs. This summer though they're going to have to make room for the new blue in town.

Bat your eyes once and you will quickly learn that this gemstone is a wild child. Not at all the innocent angelic white that drapes her outwardly appearance. Moonstone always finds a way to electrify her subjects. Her blue is not in the least bit subtle or soft. She will catch the eye of her suitor in a quick and potent flash.

Some facts:

Moonstone comes in many colors. grey, white, pink, green and brown, but the most coveted are deep blue. It's hardness scale is 6 - 6.5. Easy enough to work with so that it won't chip or break when wire wrapping but does requires some care while wearing. The color flash is produced by light reflections from the stones internal inclusions.

Go figure, inclusions in moonstone is a really good thing!

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